Brad Nelson's rune stone
Minnesota, USA

Runic inscription:

Kalle och Brad ristade stenen

Kalle and Brad carved the stone

In the autumn 2018 I visited my friend Brad.
Together we carved this rune stone for two weeks.

When I went home again we hadn't had time to paint the rune stone but it's something Brad does in the spring.

But I want to see how it will be able to see out now so I took help of the computer and Colored Brads rune stone digitally.

Here's how it might look when it's been painted>

Brad and I discuss details and run inscriptions. To the right a painted copy of canvas of an old rune stone carved by Öpir. After a lot of discourse and with limited space we decided to carve the most important: "Kalle and Brad carved the stone".
Suddenly, a newly built Viking boat comes to Brad's house and wondering if it can stand there a few days, of course :-) Carving course for the crew but on its own stone from the ballast on the boat.
Brad with his rune stone without runes Finished unpainted rhinestone Deployed, waiting for spring